Saturday, January 1, 2011

MOTD - Blood: A quick new years post!

Mp3 Of The Day

Band/Artist: Blood
Song: 2011
Album: Gas. Flames. Bones.
Style: Grindcore/Death Metal
country/location: Speyer, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
release: 1999

As of today it is now 2011! Weird! It is so frickin weird! We're finally in the teens (again?). I remember thinking that 2003 was in the future and that 2008 was like way way in the future. Now we're in 2011?!

Well in true Wren fashion I found a song that best captures this feeling. A quick song entitled "2011" by German death/grind band, Blood. At some point, I'll give them a longer post for they rule. An awesome example of death/grind with low death metal vocals with grinding death metal riffs played in one to two minute bursts. For now this little gem will do just fine! Happy New Year everyone!