Band/Artist: Gevolt
Song: Tum Balalaika
Album: Yiddish Project
Style: Industrial/Folk Metal
country/location: Israel
release: 2008

What do you get when you take Rammstein, make the members Israeli, add a folk violin, and make the lyrics in Hebrew or Yiddish? You get this fantastically charming and fun band, Gevolt! The lead singer sounds uncannily like Till Lindemann and the music has that crunchy distortion plus the mechanical industrial qualities you find in Rammstein. However the music is based upon traditional Jewish folk songs. This track being a Russian/Polish folk love song sung in Yiddish which gained popularity at the beginning of Israel's formation. The lyrics talk about finding a clever wife for marriage, who knows answers to all questions. Gevolt's arrangement still captures the loving dance like feel of the song, the violin adding that nice folky tough. I particularly love this song, I often get this strange urge to dance with some lovely lass whenever it comes on! At the very least, I attempt to sing along with the chorus despite my lack of Yiddish hehe. Hope you enjoy! and Happy Hanukah to all!
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