Band/Artist: Organium
Song: Can Can (Offenbach cover)
Album: The Rage
Style: Noise/Black/Ambient
country/location: Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium
release: 2004
And now for something completely different... Wow, I've been on a Monty Python quoting kick lately. Might have something to do with the Monty Python themed Fluxx game I played on Tuesday... Anyways, a friend of mine was telling me about the late great Jacques Offenbach who is famous among things for the Can Can (well the one that most people know). And in my usual metal obsessive-ness, I went to see if there was a metal version. Well, I found one... sorta...
Organium is a black/ambient metal project by this guy who has at least 20 different black/ambient/noise/drone/funeral doom projects. This one is unique for basically it's ambient black metal done with just organs and drums. And when I say organs, I mean church organ. Some of them having some distortion effects. Sometimes is a mix of clean grand organ with highly distorted organ. What better musical style to play the famous Can Can? hehe Seriously this style gives the classic piece a very classical flavor while still being totally unique and bizarre, especially when the "dah dah dahdah dah dah DAH dah dah dah..." part comes in. It's a really strange but really fun track. Not sure if it's a true (tr00?) example of Organium's sound, but I was in the mood to post something fun. Maybe I'll come back and post one of the original tracks. For now, I expect to see a chorus line going!
Organium - Can Can (Offenbach cover)
this song sucks
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